Your Fabulous 40's.
Though we may still have the flawless skin of our younger years many of us in our forties will face a reckoning of sorts, the realization that time is running out for us to have babies, and some medical problems start hitting you harder in the forties, the main culprits – hypertension, diabetes, depression anxiety all these can weigh on our spirits. To stay emotionally and physically in shape becomes a task. We can still get pregnant but it will take longer and may require help from a specialist. While menopause may still be years away the change before the change usually takes place and irregular periods and hot flashes may begin.Age-proof your skin. Your estrogen levels fluctuate during your 40s, which can dry out your skin and lead to sudden breakouts. Instead of loading up on acne-fighting products, which can cause redness and blotches, use an ultra-rich cleansing bar. Moisturizing is more important now than ever — use a combination product, such as an antiwrinkle moisturizer with retinol (a vitamin A–enriched serum that can erase fine lines and age spots).
Get pretty! The number one beauty mistake of women in their 40s is using too much makeup. "Women think they're covering up their flaws, but piling on product actually highlights them," says Bobbi Brown. She recommends using a foundation and a loose, transparent powder. Skip heavy eyeliner and eye shadow, which can draw attention to crow's feet. Instead, "sweep your blush over your eyes," says Gafni. "This is fast, easy and it gives a soft, glowing effect." Finish your look with a shimmering lipstick to make lips look full but not overdone.
The new sexual peak? According to the NHSLS, the prevalence of sexual problems in women tends to decrease with advancing age. Like women in their 30s, fortysomethings are at ease with their sexual selves, but now they have the time and energy to enjoy this aspect of their life. Even if you experience a decline in interest, you may find that you can achieve new heights of sexual satisfaction. "Women [at this age] know what they want sexually and are not afraid to ask for it," says Sheryl Kingsberg. (The sad irony is that, with the passage of time, sexual problems become more prevalent in men.)
Life begins at Forty. . . or does it?When a woman gets married at a later age, she is doing so from a position of strength. She is tying the knot because she chooses to, not because she feels she needs to find a companion or fears being left on the shelf. Women no longer depend on men for financial support — we're doing nicely on our own, thank you. When a 40-year-old woman says "I do," it's because she wants to share her destiny with the man she loves and feels it will enrich the quality of her life. This attitude goes a long way toward ensuring romantic happiness.
Better Sex
Thankfully, it's never been easier for women 40 and older to find love. There are plenty of men out there, evolved, older (and younger) men who appreciate mature, self-assured women. And older women are having good sex, too. Many women in their 40s have said they've never felt sexier — they have experience under their belt, confidence about what they like and don't like, emotional awareness and the skills to build real intimacy. Still many of us are not having our Multiple Orgasms. Now is the time to Maximize your sexual pleasure:
1. Every angle counts when it comes to maximizing your sexual pleasure. That means trying new positions. You don't have to give up on your favorites, but don't be afraid to experiment. |
6. Seduce yourself! Atmosphere matters. Delight all your senses by filling your bedroom with fragrant candles or your favorite romantic tunes. These extra touches will help you forget about the daily grind and focus on the pleasure at hand — all of which will lead to a better "big O." |
It's Not all in the Mind -- especially after 40.
Men and women may be made for each other, but the design sure could use a little tweaking. On average, men have five to 10 times the level of testosterone and three times the sexual interest that women have. And unlike women, for whom sex drive is highly individual, there is little variation among men. Among happily married couples under age 40, about 31 percent of women report a lack of sexual desire, while only 16 percent of men have (or admit to) that complaint. Research shows that the majority of men have one or more sexual fantasies every day, compared to only 25 percent of women.Psychological factors play a role in male desire, but hormones are the key. That is, until men reach middle age. As testosterone levels gradually decline, usually beginning in the 40s, many men become more dependent on physical stimulation for arousal than, say, the sight of an attractive woman. As with women, stress also figures in any discussion of the male libido. Says Sheryl Kingsberg, Ph.D., assistant professor of reproductive biology and psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University, in Cleveland, "One of life's little ironies is that women need to be relaxed to want to have sex, while for men, sex is a stress-reliever."
"Wish Your Night Sweats Came from a Good Workout?"
Hormones gone haywire.This is also the decade when women enter perimenopause, the period preceding menopause, when production of estrogen and testosterone begins dropping off. Perimenopause typically kicks in at age 46. About half of all women over 45 experience some symptoms, including irregular periods, lower libido and vaginal dryness. But a decline in sex drive doesn't mean sex can't be great. "You might not have the spontaneous interest, but your ability to achieve orgasm doesn't change in your forties," says Kingsberg. Many perimenopausal women are prescribed birth control pills to help stabilize hormonal fluctuations and ease symptoms. Of course, the Pill also protects against unwanted pregnancy, which can occur during this transition. Although the Pill may interfere with desire, it may also help a perimenopausal woman feel like herself again--and perhaps more in the mood for sex.
Your Man Not Sexy Anymore?
Sexual chemistry can't be manufactured. If your husband truly has given up on himself physically, it's going to be hard for you to maintain your level of interest. He can't be forced to change his eating or exercise habits; to lose weight, he has to want to do it himself. But that doesn't mean that a loving, well-intentioned wife has to squelch all her impulses to offer ideas and support. Gently let your husband know how much you love him and that you want to recapture the passion and energy you used to have. Don't play the blame game. "If sex isn't happening as often, isn't as exciting, or doesn't happen as 'naturally' as it did before, don't feel as though either of you is 'defective,'" says Aline Zoldbrod, a certified sex therapist and author of Sex Talk: Be open to planning times for sex, experimentation, etc.Learn how to resolve conflicts in other areas of your marriage -- families, money, chores -- that can get in the way of sex. Fighting can poison your sex life. Talk about sex -- as often as you can. "Start these conversations with positive comments about what you enjoy about your partner's lovemaking, not with problems," says Zoldbrod and be as specific as possible about what turns you on, and under what circumstances. What used to be a surefire trigger for you early in your relationship may not work as well anymore, and make you feel like sex just won't be as pleasurable. The key is to talk honestly about what feels good now.Confront any mismatch in desire between the two of you. It happens, says Zoldbrod, but it need not be a sex killer. "If the desire discrepancy is sizable, know you will have to split the difference in some ways". Perhaps the more amorous of the two of you will be content with some cuddling and sex play. And again, talk about the issue without assigning blame.
Many Women in their forties, have never felt Sexier.
We have Experience, Confidence & know what we Like!
Life After DivorceAre you ready to date again? If you think you’re not ready, then you’re not ready.” that’s baloney. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get out of that funk. The most productive healing is getting on with your life. Too often we hear others say “I’m not ready” or “I need to fix myself first before I start dating.” Here’s a harsh truth: you may never feel “ready” and you will certainly never be “fixed.” There will never be a “bolt of lightning” to signal that you’re ready, and you willl always have some excuse not to get out there.
It’s very difficult to meet great men later in life, and if one of your friends offers to introduce you to someone he or she thinks you’ll like, you should be very appreciative and take advantage of it. Even if you think you’re not “ready.”
Life is short and opportunities are rare. There is plenty of time to mourn the loss of your marriage; do it whenever you don’t have something better to do, - like, when you’re not on a blind date with someone who could turn out to be the real love-of-your-life!
Great Lovers Are Made, Not Born!