Anyone can flirt. You don’t have to be Eighteen or a size Eight. You don’t have to be beautiful. You don’t have to be bursting with personality. You only have to Possess the Spark of Desire and a Sparkle in your eyes. It simply begins with a friendliness and openness that invites people to come closer.
The key elements of flirtation are:
Strong Self-Esteem
People are attracted to others who feel strong and good about themselves. If you don’t like yourself, why should others? Some folks have good self-esteem because it was nurtured from early childhood in a family that made a conscious effort to instill it. Most of us have to learn it. That begins with knowing what makes us feel insecure, such as a lack of education or social skills, excess weight, or other insecurities. If there is something that bothers you about yourself, fix it. It’ll be the best investment you ever make.Irresistible Humor
Laughter is undeniably potent in drawing others to you. Southerners are renowned for a sense of humor, especially the self-effacing kind we use in stories. In flirtation, a sense of humor will always be your greatest ally.A Light-Hearted Approach
Don’t take yourself or this game seriously. It ruins it. That means it’s best to begin without any agenda such as “I want to marry this guy.” No strategies. No plans. No objectives. Just keep your spirits high and your heart light. A playful tone is also key. The sound of your voice should clearly and loudly say, “Let’s have fun!”
Spirit of Goodwill
Kindliness starts from deep inside and may require a little effort, but this is truly what makes all flirting work. People respond to inner beauty quicker than they respond to outer looks. That’s why Southern mamas always warn their daughters, “Pretty is as pretty does.”Genuine Interest
Everyone has a story of some kind. Regardless of what it is, it is interesting because our stories make us who we are. And everyone has a skill or talent. By asking questions about another’s life, skills, and talent, you gain insight into the individual, and chances are you’ll learn something.Knowledge
Read. Read. Read. Observe and learn. Keep up with current events and pop culture. You never know when a piece of seemingly-insignificant information will serve you well in a moment of flirtation.Compliments Aplenty
You can’t flirt without flattering. Can’t be done! You have to make others feel good about themselves so that they feel good about you.Engagement
Always use the full impact of your eyes and smile. In the hustle and bustle of a world that never stops, this tip now works more powerfully than ever. Taking the time to look someone in the eyes and connect for a moment can reach deep down to the soul of a person. We’re losing too much human contact in today’s society. That’s why these techniques, long touted by the women of the South, will high-heel kick you to the top of someone’s favorite-persons list. Look into his eyes for a deep connection and smile warmly. The eyes will draw him to you, and the smile will wrap him in gracious hospitality. It is an irresistible feeling in a world that is often far too cold.
Excerpt: "What Southern Women Know About Flirting" by Ronda Rich. © 2005 by Ronda Rich Creative, Inc.
Your Guy's a real social butterfly,
known for his charm....That's why you fell for him!He loves making new friends, but sometimes he goes too far . Do you think you have a cheater. . .or is it just a little harmless flirting?
Innocent Behavior: He gawks at girls on TV.
Admiring an attractive person is human nature. He can look, but if it takes attention away from You and he continues to ooh-and-aah! Flirt Alert.Innocent Behavior: He attends a bachelor party, but the pictures tell a different story.
You stumble on the pictures. A few lap dances and touching the strippers seems like a private party. Flirt Alert. Were you snooping or did he neglect to mention the Strip Club!Innocent Behavior: He's got an overly friendly "work buddy"
A female work buddy calling him on night and weekends then being in his face at the office party! Flirt Alert. Time to ask a few questions!
How much flirting is too much?
If you are married or in a committed relationship, then you are no longer in the dating game and you should not pretend to be. Sending mixed signals to work buddies and new friends of the opposite sex can be fatal. Secretive behavior will only add fuel to the fire if your partner demands explanations. In a relationship it's important to establish boundaries and know what is acceptable. Talk about your concerns if you are uncomfortable before they escalate into something bigger.
If your gut tells you he's totally trustworthy, you might want to give yourself a self-esteem check - jealousy on your part could signal a low self image rather than a cheating partner.
But, if he is acting shady, even after you confront him, his behavior may mean he is not really committed to you and he's keeping his options open!